OT site South-Collar house and Underground Operations Ore Handling system – TX#01 successful state commissioning

On October 09, Oyu Tolgoi Underground South Collar House state commission held place consisting of ten members from the Umnugovi Province Governor’s Office, General Agency for Special Inspection /GASI/, the National Emergency Management Authority /NEMA.  South collar house: ▪ Connected to an existing workshop building; ▪ Access for installation and removal of skip buckets and […]

Successful state commissioning of Oyu Tolgoi Underground Main Lunch E-room

On October 09, the Oyu Tolgoi Underground Main Lunch E-room state commission held place consisting of ten members from the Umnugovi Province Governor’s Office, the General Agency for Special Inspection /GASI/, the National Emergency Management Authority /NEMA/. Oyu Tolgoi Underground Project – Main Lunchroom. The Main Lunchroom is located to the east of Shaft 2 […]

Хог хаягдлыг хөрсөнд булах шинэ хяналттай ландфиллийг ашиглалтад оруулжээ

Говь-Алтай /МОНЦАМЭ/. Говь-Алтай аймгийн төвд хог хаягдлыг хөрсөнд булах шинэ хяналттай ландфиллийг ашиглалтад оруулжээ. Азийн Хөгжлийн банкны Ядуурлыг бууруулах сангийн буцалтгүй тусламжийн хөрөнгөөр Говь-Алтай, Сүхбаатар, Дархан-Уул, Өвөрхангай аймагт “Хог хаягдлын менежментийг сайжруулах төсөл” 2020 оны наймдугаар сараас хэрэгжиж эхэлсэн билээ. Төслийн хүрээнд хог нягтруулан тээвэрлэх төв, дахивар хүлээн авах цэг, шинэ хяналттай ландфилл барих зэрэг бүтээн […]

Successful State Commissioning of Underground 35/10.5kV Substation

On August 26, Oyu Tolgoi Underground 35/10.5kV substation state commission held place consisting of seven members from the Umnugovi Province Governor’s Office, General Agency for Special Inspection /GASI/, the National Emergency Management Authority /NEMA/, and the South Region Electricity Distribution Network and successfully handed over to Client OT. This is the first 35kV power substation […]

Mask donation to GASI to fight coronavirus

Today, NCCS LLC has donated 200 N95 masks to General Agency for Specialized Investigation (GASI) as part of our corporate social responsibility. These masks will be sent to Mongolian border security staff who are currently in extreme shortage. Even though Mongolia has no reported case of the novel coronavirus Covid-19, the government organizations have been […]

One of the most complex infrastructure at OT successfully state-commissioned

Turquoise Hill Resources has announced that Shaft 2 headframe construction at the Oyu Tolgoi copper-gold mine is complete and has entered into the final stages of commissioning. Oyu Tolgoi is jointly owned by the Government of Mongolia (34%) and Turquoise Hill Resources (66%, of which Rio Tinto owns 51%). State commissioning held a place 27, 28th […]

State commissioning on 3 projects at OT site

Shaft 2 Mine Air Heater Facility This Facility is an air heating system that prepares air at a suitable temperature using the water heating system and provides fresh air to the underground mine. The mine’s air heater facility is a couple of fire-resistant sandwich building with a cast-in-place concrete slab foundation, 12 x 35m axially […]

Shaft 5 Exhaust Fan Facility

The design of the Shaft 5 Exhaust Fan Facility was approved, and the construction was commenced in May 2017, and the Facility was handed over to the State Commission on June 5, 2019. The construction was carried out by companies such as GCR LLC, NBIK LLC, and Monadelfus Mongolia LLC, and was supervised by engineers […]

The expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant

The design for the expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant was developed by the general contractor, Jacobs LLC from Australia. NCCS LLC prepared the design per Mongolian construction norms and standards, and it was approved by the Construction Development Center and the National Emergency Management Agency in November 2017. The design expanded the existing Treatment […]